Results for 'Cui Dunli Zhuan'

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  1. Chu yan.Cui Dunli Zhuan - 1992 - In Rui Zhao, Chang duan jing: wai qi zhong. Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Liang Shuming ping zhuan: yi ge xian dai zheng zhi bian ge zhe de li xiang yu jian xing.Yunwu Cui - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
    本书在充分把握有关梁漱溟及其相关资料, 以及相关研究成果的基础上, 针对中国现代政治发展过程中所具有的十分复杂的政治、文化与教育的关系, 真切地还原了梁漱溟探索中国政治现代化之路的心路历程, 客观地评价了他的实践努力. 本书稿将时代与个人, 历史与逻辑较好地结合在一起, 既真实地反映了梁漱溟个人的政治变革追求随着时代发展变化的纵向历程, 也深入而较系统地对他每一阶段的思想和活动进行了专业性 (政治、文化和教育) 的评析, 展现了一定的历史发展的动态.
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  3. Wang Fu ping zhuan: fu Cui Shi, Zhong Changtong ping zhuan.Wenying Liu - 1993 - [Nanjing shi]: Nanjing da xue chu ban she.
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    What If Zhào Dùn Had Fled? Border Crossing and Flight into Exile in Early China.Newell Ann van Auken - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):569-590.
    According to the Zuǒ zhuàn, in 607 BCE Zhào Chuān murdered Lord Líng of Jìn, but the Spring and Autumn ascribes the assassination to Zhào Dùn, senior member of the Zhào lineage and chief minister of Jìn. Remarks attributed to Confucius defend the ascription to Zhào Dùn, stating that had he fled across the border, he would have avoided blame. That Zhào Dùn was assigned responsibility for a crime he did not commit has been a source of much discussion and (...)
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  5. Relations and the Trinity: The Case of Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus.Richard Cross - 2005 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 16:1-21.
    Dopo una premessa in cui si precisano le finalità dell'articolo e si fa il punto sugli antecedenti della discussione, concentrandosi sulle trattazioni teologiche degli autori del sec. XII, l'A. studia gli sviluppi offerti da Enrico di Gand alla teoria agostiniana delle relazioni applicata alle tre persone della Trinità. La seconda parte dello studio è dedicata alla risposta elaborata da Duns Scoto alla posizione di Enrico: fondandosi su differenti elaborazioni della teoria della relazione , i due autori analizzzano le proprietà delle (...)
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  6. The Will and Aktratic Action in William Ockham and John Duns Scotus.Taina M. Holopainen - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:405-425.
    Sebbene non abbiano commentato l'Etica a Nicomaco, sia Ockham sia Duns Scoto discussero argomenti di matrice aristotelica: scopo del saggio è la ricostruzione del concetto di «azione akratica» nel contesto della loro posizione volontaristica. Dopo una breve ricognizione terminologica, l'indagine è rivolta all'opera di Ockham , e si concentra su due punti principali: l'azione akratica come azione contraria alla retta ragione e l'interrogativo relativo alla presenza, nella volontà stessa, di qualcosa da cui scaturisca l'«azione akratica»; l'ultima parte dello studio prende (...)
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  7.  21
    Le prime quattro Collationes Parisienses sulle tracce di Giovanni Duns Scoto.Francesco Fiorentino - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):115-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Le prime quattro Collationes Parisienses sulle tracce di Giovanni Duns ScotoFrancesco Fiorentino (bio)Come si è visto altrove, l'attribuzione delle Collationes è abbastanza dubbia, propriamente parlando: questa opera non può essere ricondotta a Giovanni Duns Scoto in quanto autore secondo i concetti moderni di proprietà intellettuale e di responsabilità privata, che non risultano pertinenti ai processi materiali di produzione del libro tardo-medievale in quanto opera collettiva, fondata sulla co-autorialità distribuita (...)
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    Han Yu's “Za shuo” 雜說 (Miscellaneous Discourses): A Three-Tier System of Government.Mei Ah Tan - 2020 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4):859-874.
    This article highlights the significance of the “Za shuo” 雜說 (Miscellaneous discourses) series for the study of Han Yu’s 韓愈 (768–824) political ideology, which proposes a three-tier system of governance that is made up of the emperor, the feudal lords, and the bureaucrats. The emperor is the pinnacle of the system; he collaborates with his ministers to devise state policies in the inner palace. The feudal lords protect the emperor in the regional areas. The bureaucrats form the machinery of the (...)
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  9.  14
    Francescanesimo wittgensteiniano. Un’indicazione storiografica tra provocazione e proposta.Marco Damonte - 2018 - Doctor Virtualis 14.
    Anthony Kenny e Orlando Todisco, in due diversi contesti, hanno proposto un originale accostamento tra Wittgenstein e alcuni filosofi francescani. Alla luce di questi studi è possibile chiedersi quale valore possa avere la nozione di francescanesimo wittgensteiniano e quale utilità essa ricopra nell’identificare i caratteri di una filosofia francescana. Nella prima parte considererò l’atteggiamento di Kenny nei confronti di Duns Scoto, le cui tesi, dapprima frettolosamente associate a quelle del neopositivismo, vengono poi adeguatamente contestualizzate all’interno della contrapposizione tra la tradizione (...)
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  10.  24
    II problema della libertà in S. Anselme d'Aosta.Henryk Majkrzak - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):269-280.
    L'autorita di Agostino e la necessita di una nuova riflessione. San Anselme d'Aosta, come lo chiamano gli italiani dalla sua citta di nascita, o di Canterbury, dalla sua sede episcopale e stato chiamato "l'altro Agostino", perche il suo pensiero spesso corrisponde bene al pensiero di Sant'Agostino. Tutti e due infatti hanno dedicate molta attenzione al problema della liberta. Liberta, una parola sublime, nel cui nome sono state combattute tante battaglie e si sono accesi tanti ideali, a causa della quale l'uomo (...)
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  11.  6
    Metaphysical Order. Suárez’s Theory of Real Relation.Nicola Milanesi - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:69-104.
    È cosa nota che la nozione di relazione sia uno dei pilastri teorici della dottrina metafisica e della teologia di molti autori Scolastici medievali e moderni e sia alla base della loro visione cosmologica del mondo. Questo saggio intende ricostruire la nozione di relazione reale nel pensiero di Francisco Suárez, esplorando la sua articolazione interna in concetti inferiori e affrontando alcuni nuclei problematici tipici del dibattito scolastico. La prima sezione dell’articolo prende in considerazione il concetto estensivo di relazione reale, tracciando (...)
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  12. Dan xuan yu chen ju: Tang Song dao jiao si xiang yu she hui yan jiu.Lesong Cheng - 2021 - Beijing: Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she.
    Yi jing dian jie du he guan nian quan shi wei ji nen jin lu de si xiang shi yan jiu, yu wei rao xin yang yu she hui shen g huo de hu dong zhan kai de she hui shi yan jiu ke yi bei shi zuo zong jiao li shi yan jiu de liang ge zhi dian. Xin yang cong dai dou shi yi ti liang mian de: shi zhong guan qie chao yue de zhi qu bi ran (...)
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    Si xiang, li shi yu wen hua ping lun.Hailin Zheng - 2010 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ren min chu ban she.
    Ben shu wei Xianggang Zhong wen da xue Ya Tai yan jiu suo yan jiu yuan Zheng Hailin bo shi suo zhu, ji jie qi fang xue dong xi fang shi nian suo zhuan xie wen zhi jing cui er cheng, nei rong fen wei si xiang, li shi ren wu, he wen hua ping lun san bu fen. Guan dian zheng que, ke guan gong zheng, fu yu chuang yi.
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    Zhou Dunyi yan jiu zhu zuo shu yao.Jiangang Zhou - 2009 - Changsha: Hunan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong 7 zhang, Shou lu song dai yi hou zhou dun yi yan jiu de xiang guan lun zhu, Lun wen 500 duo pian, Nei rong bao kuo:zhou dun yi de sheng ping gai kuang, Zhou dun yi zhu zuo kao bian, Zhou dun yi yan jiu gai shu, Zhou dun yi yan jiu gu dai wen xian shu yao, Zhou dun yi yan jiu zhuan zhu shu yao, Shi xue zhu zuo zhong zhou dun yi yan (...)
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  15. Étienne Gilson interprete di Dante Alighieri.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - In Simona Brambilla, Nicolangelo D'Acunto, Massimo Marassi & Paola Muller, Grandi maestri di fronte a Dante. Vita e Pensiero. pp. 279-289.
    Lo storico della filosofia e filosofo francese Étienne Gilson (1884-1978) ha notoriamente offerto una lettura innovativa di importanti figure del pensiero medievale, da Tommaso d’Aquino a Duns Scoto e Bonaventura, includendo in questa lista anche Agostino di Ippona. L’originalità della lettura offerta da Gilson si esprime per lo meno in due modi. In primo luogo, Gilson ha argomentato a sostegno dell’effettiva caratura filosofica, e non semplicemente teologica, del pensiero di quei pensatori. Contro un pesante pregiudizio che all’epoca in cui egli (...)
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  16.  32
    When the angels played: monadology and divine absconsion in Walter Benjamin.Elsa Costa - 2020 - Doctor Virtualis 15:123-170.
    Le interpretazioni di Walter Benjamin si estendono dall’estremo di considerarlo l’ultimo significativo uomo di lettere del periodo precedente alla seconda guerra mondiale fino all’estremo opposto di ritenerlo un rabbino hassidico. C’è accordo sul fatto che circa dal 1916-1920 Benjamin fu interessato alla teologia e alla metafisica ebraica e cristiana e che dal 1925 circa fino alla sua morte nel 1940 fu apertamente marxista e giunse fino alla quasi esclusione della metafisica. L’articolo individua le ambiguità della cosmologia teistica del primo Benjamin, (...)
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  17.  15
    The Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation by Dylan Schrader (review). [REVIEW]Justus Hunter - 2024 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):241-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation by Dylan SchraderJustus HunterThe Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation, trans. Dylan Schrader. Early Modern Catholic Sources 1. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019. Pp. xlix + 203. $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-813-23179-2. This is the first volume in the much-anticipated Early Modern Catholic Sources Series edited by Ulrich Lehner and Trent Pomplun. Fr. Dylan Schrader has done (...)
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  18.  12
    Mao Dun tan ren sheng.Dun Mao - 1997 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Fei Jin & Xueqing Jin.
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  19. Yue'an yu lu : fu Song shi Li Heng zhuan.Li Heng Zhuan & Gong Yu Bian - 1992 - In Rui Zhao, Chang duan jing: wai qi zhong. Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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    John Duns Scotus' political and economic philosophy.John Duns Scotus - 2001 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University. Edited by Allan Bernard Wolter.
    Scotus - unlike Thomas Aquinas - never commented on Aristotle's Politics nor did he write any significant political tracts like Ockham. Nevertheless, despite his primary philosophical reputation as a metaphysician, Scotus did have certain definitive ideas about both politics and the morality of the marketplace.
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  21. Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality.J. DUNS SCOTUS - 1986
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  22. Giovanni Duns Scoto filosofo della libertà.John Duns Scotus - 1996 - Padova: Messaggero. Edited by Orlando Todisco.
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  23. Giovanni Duns Scoto nel VII centenario della nascita.John Duns Scotus (ed.) - 1967 - Napoli,: Tip. Laurenziana.
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    Cui Qingtian wen ji.Qingtian Cui - 2016 - Zhengzhou Shi: Henan da xue chu ban she.
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    B. Ioannis Duns Scoti Opera philosophica.John Duns Scotus - 1997 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University. Edited by Girard J. Etzkorn, Robert R. Andrews, Bernardo C. Bazàn, Mechthild Dreyer & John Duns Scotus.
    I. Quaestiones in librum Porphyrii Isagoge ; et , Quaestiones super Praedicamenta Aristotelis -- II. Quaestiones in libros Perihermenias Aristotelis ; Quaestiones super librum Elenchorum Aristotelis ; Theoremata -- III. Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, libri I-V -- IV. Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, libri VI-IX -- V. Quaestiones super secundum et tertium De anima.
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    Yi dai zhi sheng, bai nian jin cui: Liang Shuming xiang cun jian she yun dong yan jiu = Yidai Zhisheng Bainian Jincui.Huishu Cui - 2019 - Tianjin Shi: Tianjin ren min chu ban she.
    《一代直聲百年盡瘁:梁簌溟鄉村建設運動研究》系統梳理了20世紀30年代梁漱溟主持的山東鄉村建設實驗的相關內容,以及不同時期相關實踐者和學者對其鄉村建設實驗進行的各種討論和爭議,試圖全方位挖掘梁漱溟鄉建 思想與實踐的深層學術價值和現實借鑒意義,冀望對今天的農村現代化建設和農村改革,尤其是“三農”問題的解決和優化提供有益的借鑒。.
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    Fare cose con il pensiero: l'eterna produzione delle idee secondo Duns Scoto: introduzione, testo e traduzione di Lectura e Ordinatio, I, dd. 35-36.John Duns Scotus - 2019 - Roma: Antonianum. Edited by John Duns Scotus, Ernesto Dezza, Andrea Nannini & Davide Riserbato.
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    The De Primo Principio of John Duns Scotus.John Duns Scotus - 1949 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute. Edited by Evan Roche.
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    Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings.John Duns Scotus - 1962 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. Edited by Allan B. Wolter.
    The philosophical writings of Duns Scotus, one of the most influential philosophers of the Later Middle Ages, are here presented in a volume that presents the original Latin with facing page English translation._ CONTENTS: _ Foreword to the Second Edition. Preface. Introduction. Select Bibliography. I. Concerning Metaphysics II. Man’s Natural Knowledge of God III. The Existence of God IV. The Unicity of God V. Concerning Human Knowledge VI. The Spirituality and Immortality of the Human Soul Notes. Index of Proper Names. (...)
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  30. Writings of John duns scotus.Duns Scotus - unknown
  31.  10
    Duns Scotus on time & existence: the questions on Aristotle's "De interpretatione.John Duns Scotus - 2014 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press. Edited by Edward Buckner.
    An English translation of John Duns Scotus's The Questions on Aristotle's "De Interpretatione" including an extensive commentary on some of Scotus's more difficult ideas.
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    Fantasia, immaginazione, conoscenza: uno studio sul De imagine di Giovanni Duns Scoto.John Duns Scotus - 2011 - Milano: LED, Edizioni universitarie di lettere economia diritto. Edited by Andrea Colli & Chiara Selogna.
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    Duns Scotus: From Concerning Metaphysics.John Duns Scotus & Allan Bernard Wolter - 1995
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    René Girard, theology, and pop culture / [edited by] Ryan G. Duns and T. Derrick Witherington.Ryan G. Duns & T. Derrick Witherington (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
    René Girard, Theology, and Pop Culture provides a fresh and engaging introduction to and the application of René Girard's mimetic theory. From movies to social media, television to graphic novels, the contributors explore popular culture's theological depths and challenge readers to consider what culture reveals about them.
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    Zhongguo chuan tong she hui si xiang de li lu ji dang dai jia zhi: Cui Dahua xuan ji = The logic of Chinese traditional social thought and its contemporary value.Dahua Cui - 2016 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本書是由崔大華生前撰寫的53篇文章、6篇專著序言以及20篇在三聯書店出版的《讀書》雜誌上隨筆文章彙集而成,凝結了他一生的主要研究成果。綜觀這些文章的內容,其對中國歷史哲學問題的研究有許多真知灼見,在中 國傳統文化道德衰退的今天,其對中國傳統哲學的認識有著很好的借鑒意義。比如,儒道對印度佛教和西方基督教滲入中國的影響,傳統倫理道德對當代人類行為的借鑒,莊子思想對中國文學的發展等。.
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    La teoria modale di Giovanni Duns Scoto: il caso della relazione tra creatura e creatore e la condizione di beatitudine.Ernesto Dezza, Luca Parisoli & John Duns Scotus (eds.) - 2018 - Roma: Antonianum.
    Pt. 1. Rassegna storiografica sulla teoria della modalità -- pt 2. Testi di Giovanni Duns Scoto -- pt. 3. Il caso della relazione tra creatura e Creatore nella condizione di dannazione e di beatudine.
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  37.  24
    Kierkegaard’s Dialectic of Inwardness: A Structural Analysis of the Theory of Stages.Stephen Northrup Dunning - 1985 - Princeton University Press.
    Stephen Dunning examines Kierkegaard's theory of stages in terms of his dialectic of inwardness, shown here to be the Ariadne's thread" uniting all the major pseudonymous works. Originally published in 1985. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library (...)
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    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Information Asymmetry?Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Haejung Na - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):549-572.
    In this study, we examine the empirical association between corporate social responsibility and information asymmetry by investigating their simultaneous and endogenous effects. Employing an extensive U.S. sample, we find an inverse association between CSR engagement and the proxies of information asymmetry after controlling for various firm characteristics. The results hold using 2SLS considering the reverse side of information asymmetry influencing CSR activities. The results also hold after mitigating endogeneity based on the dynamic panel system generalized method of moment. Furthermore, the (...)
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  39. B. Ioannis Duns Scoti Quaestiones Super Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis.John Duns Scotus & R. Andrews - 1997
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    Combinations of Histone Modifications for Pattern Genes.Xiang-Jun Cui & Chen-Xia Shi - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (2):121-132.
    Histone post-translational modifications play important roles in transcriptional regulation. It is known that multiple histone modifications can act in a combinatorial manner. In this study, we investigated the effects of multiple histone modifications on expression levels of five gene categories in coding regions. The combinatorial patterns of modifications for the five gene categories were also studied in the regions. Our results indicated that the differences in the expression levels between any two gene categories were significant. There were some corresponding differences (...)
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    Dynamic Analysis and FPGA Implementation of New Chaotic Neural Network and Optimization of Traveling Salesman Problem.Li Cui, Chaoyang Chen, Jie Jin & Fei Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    A neural network is a model of the brain’s cognitive process, with a highly interconnected multiprocessor architecture. The neural network has incredible potential, in the view of these artificial neural networks inherently having good learning capabilities and the ability to learn different input features. Based on this, this paper proposes a new chaotic neuron model and a new chaotic neural network model. It includes a linear matrix, a sine function, and a chaotic neural network composed of three chaotic neurons. One (...)
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    Implicit Perceptions of Closeness From the Direct Eye Gaze.Mengmeng Cui, Minghao Zhu, Xiaomin Lu & Lei Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Makesi zhe xue ge ming de cun zai lun chan shi: cong li lun zhe xue dao shi jian zhe xue.Weihang Cui - 2005 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    She hui zhu yi he xie she hui de dao de ji chu yan jiu =.Yongxue Cui - 2015 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  45. Mengxi bi tan : bu bi tan.Shen Kuo Zhuan - 1992 - In Chong Wang, 論衡: 外十一種. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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    John Duns Scotus: A Treatise on Memory and Intuition from Codex A of ORDINATION IV, Distinctio 45, Question 3.John Duns Scotus - 1993 - Franciscan Studies 53 (1):193-211.
  47. Johannes Duns Scotus. Opera Omnia.John Duns Scotus, Apb of Armagh Francesco Pitigiani D'arezzo, Aristotle, Peter Lombard & Hugh MacGaghwell - 1868 - G. Olms.
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    Philosophical writings.John Duns Scotus - 1962 - [Edinburgh]: Nelson. Edited by Allan Bernard Wolter.
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    Opposing Subjective Temporal Experiences in Response to Unpredictable and Predictable Fear-Relevant Stimuli.Qian Cui, Ke Zhao, Yu-Hsin Chen, Weiqi Zheng & Xiaolan Fu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  50. Xi xue ji yan.Ye Shi Zhuan - 1992 - In Rui Zhao, Chang duan jing: wai qi zhong. Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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